Friday, 14 October 2016

In the shopping mall scene mise-en-scene and cinematography are used to create the vision of being in Vinz's dreamworld. The wide shot shows the three of them sitting together, with Vinz on the left, slightly separated from Hubert and Saiid. Three shots are used continuously throughout the film to show how the three of them are placed next to each other which informs the audience of tension between them, or if they have a difference of opinion. They were placed in the order of the French policy of Liberty.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Four Words For La Haine

Tense- I chose this word to describe La Haine because in the opening scene you are shown a reverse shot of Saiid facing a line of Police which creates a tense atmosphere as he is almost facing off with the police . There is added tension as in the opening credits you are shown footage of riots with citizens against the police so when you see Saiid facing off with the police it puts you on edge.

Real- I chose this word to describe La Haine because the issues presented throughout the film are very real, there are social issues that are very relatable for most people that are presented in La Haine. The beggars on the train is relatable to everyone as no matter where you are, it is very common to see people begging for money which is a very real issue in the world today.

Bleak- I chose this word because I feel that it best represents the characters in La Haine as their lives are very bleak, and plain. They are shown multiple times discussing pointless things about TV shows, and they don't really know much about each other, they are seen lounging around the estate not really doing anything of purpose many times throughout the film which reflects their bleak lives with cinematography. The mise-en-scene, and the way the characters act throughout the film really reflects the word bleak, saying that their lives are bleak and their futures are also very bleak.

Hopeless- I chose this word to describe the situation the characters are placed in La Haine. No matter what the characters do they are stuck in this never ending cycle of bad things happening, especially with the police which gives the feel of hopelessness as no matter what they do they will never have anything good happen to them because they attract trouble.