Monday, 2 January 2017

How far does the impact of the films you have studied for this topic depend on distinctive uses of film techniques?

Princesas & La Haine - How far does the impact of the films you have studied for this topic depend on distinctive uses of film techniques?

In La Haine cinematography is used to represent conflict between characters.
.Two-shots - Vinz & Hubert, Vinz & Asterix
.Police station
.end scene

Cinematography - Power
.end scene

Princesas - cinematography - conflict between women & overcoming conflict - no peacemaker unlike La Haine with Said
.Hospital scene
.hairdressers/immigrants in courtyard police scene

Power -  cinematography and mise-en-scene-
.bathroom scene and the mirrors
.opening scene in hospital
.phone ringing
.end scene - "leaving because she wants to"